This is one of my favorite stories. Thank you for sharing!
This myth is probably the first real Greek myth in that it utilises numerous characters based on constellations, with the ram of the Golden Fleece [Aries] and Tyro, mother of Pelias [Anpu], the most important as the originator of this myth was seeking to link the
constellations to places related to the known world then ,from a Greek point of view.
A far older version of this was already in existence in Egypt. Khnum [Bata/Neleus/Hapi] of Elephantine is Greek Aquarius/Ganymede [Ganesha in India/Ganges-lord].Leo is the Sphinx. Hydra is the Nile [Neilos] Delta [9 heads/9 branches of Nile] =Wadjit of Buto. Canopus,main star of Argo Navis ,was a port on the coast of Egypt frequented by Argive ships. Scorpio was linked to the Eastern Desert robbers of merchant [ Mercury/Saggitarius] convoys from Coptos [ Min]. Ursa Minor was linked to Wepwawet of Asyut/Lycopolis [see Dendera zodiac]. Pisces is Esna [Latopolis/Nile perch symbol of Neith].
In the Greek version Leo remained the Sphinx, Virgo was Cyrene, Cancer Tyre/Tyro, Taurus Mountains, Aries was Colchis, Pisces Don[Dione] And Donets, Aquarius was Hylaea [Hylas/Iulus/Iolaus/Horus/Helios/Atum] in Scythia/Ashkenaz/Ascanius, Capricorn was Aegai/Macedon, Saggitarius was Aeolia and Scorpio was Dodona.Ursa Minor linked to Lycia and Ursa Major [Taweret/Sekhmet of Memphis in Egypt] to Cyprus.
Greek medon means lord as does Sanskrit Esha and Pati.
The Argo was a penteconter with 50 oarsmen [100 eyes].
Canopus/Argo Navis is Argus Panoptes [Helios/Hapi/Apis].Io is Canis Major/Sirius.Can-opus is dog and optes/eye.Argus watched Io.
Apis [herald of Ptah] is Aquarius.Ptah is Capricorn.