1. A

    Where the name “Greece” comes from

    I do not know either where or when HELLADA comes from, but I know that the genitive case of the ancient HELLAS is hellados -- the obvious basis of the mystery word.
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    What is considered Modern Greece?

    I tend to agree with you. What you mention might be called the Greek MIDDLE AGES. IT started with two revolutions: the transition from myth-making to Christian revelation and from the inflected ancient language to the modern Greek language.
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    How did the Spartan "greatness" end?

    Issues of ESCHATOLOGY -- the beginning and end of something -- are unresalvable. A conjecture: Need is the mother of invention. A certain educational system was created in Sparta to fit the military superiority ambitions of the leaders; after its achievement OR failure, it became unnecessary...
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    Favorite Philosopher from Ancient Greece

    ... and, for different reasons, Anaximander, Pythagoras, ... all of them.
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    Prove the mythological gods do not exist

    The fact of belief does not imply that they exist and, as far as I know, nobody has ever constructed proofs. Timaeus, Aristotle, et al, Belief is not proof..... Timaeus, Aristotle, et al., argued for some supreme god, unrelated to any ethnic god, for an abstract monotheism. THIS went well with...
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    Celebrating Greek Name Days

    I wonder when the name of a muse was sanctified, and about this custom of 2 names, such as you have. In my native S. Italy [Magna Graecia], a baby used to be named after the saint whose feast was celebrated the day he was born, or after a grandparent, or both [///as probably also in your case?]...
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    Did you know that you can book Greek mythology vacation packages?

    Is there also a tour of the places of fabulists, philosophers, and other writers? Is geography of the essence of what is produced by minds? Miletos and Anaximander; Elea and Parmenides; Athens and Plato; .... [I proposed a Greek literature Forum.]
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    Getting into the mindset of Ancient Greek religion

    I am still coping with the concept of MINDSET or mentality. Though going hand in hand, THEISM and RELIGION must be distinguished.// Why so many gods and other supernaturals? Because of the great variety of EVENTS that affect us -- storms, forest fires, floodings...... They are like human deeds...
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    Antigone is one of the most twisted Greek myths of all time

    According to the [online] BAILLY grec-francaise Dictionnaire, one meaning of ANTI is IN FRONT OF as well as RESEMBLING... wherefore antitheos = resembling a god, but -- negatively -- contrary to [against] a god. // This linguistic inconsistency does not help us to decipher -gonE or -gonos...
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    Antigone is one of the most twisted Greek myths of all time

    I do not find her nature to be "twisted" at all -- as far as Sophocles' Antigone is concerned; I am not familiar with other ladies with the same name. // My etymological interest was aroused last evening by a clue given on [TV] Jeopardy: She was the product of an incestuous relationship and her...
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    Greek opinions about Greeks

    Whether you are a Greek or a descendant, What is your opinion/feeling about the ancient Greeks of a particular city or state? Spartans, Thessalians, Athenians, Ionians, .....
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    The Muses of Greek Mythology?

    Sorry I don't know about such a book. Many years ago I learned in an encycl. that probably the muses originally were natural or agricultural deities or nymphs. Today I agree, as I can see from some names. E.G., THALEIA (or thaliE) means BLOSSOMING. The naming was obviously done from an esthetic...
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    Who was Homer really?

    Presumably Homer or the author of the ILIAD used the Aeolian and the Ionian languages. As I am not a glottologist, i do not know. If that is true, i presume that he employed poetic ballads from those two states. The extant work includes Attic redactions. The ODYSSEY is in the Homeric epical...
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    Favorites : the protagonists of the ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES, namely Demeter, Kore, Dionysos, an Orphic rhapsodist -- as in my described painting/fresco at Pompeii. Above all, Demeter, a form of Mother Earth or the Roman MAGNA MATER, the great mother, the prime mother of all things...
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    Spitting and the Evil Eye?

    SAGE is a noun, which you are unnecessarily using; I used the adjective in order to avoid AUTHORITY, which could be taken offensively. i was curious, but in vain. // welcome, said i /// sanitary? i prefer HEALTHY or salutary////