User Agreement and
Privacy Policy for

UPDATED IN MARCH 2021 User Agreement is an online forum that shares interesting and helpful information about Greek culture, Greek travel, Greek food, Greek traditions, Greek history and Greek mythology.

Website visitors of can read all forums, threads and comments made by members for free. In order to create a thread in a particular form, a free registration to become a member is required. Currently, is only available in English. Registered Members Must:

1. Be at least 18 years old or older.
2. Must agree to conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times in the community.
3. Register on this website to become a member. forum threads, posts and comments MUST NOT:

1. NOT contain any profanity of any type.

2. NOT contain any pornography, gambling, drugs, weapons, political or hate speech.

3. NOT submit any promotional posts, comments or threads to any forum. This includes NO promotional posts or comments for business, non-profits, political campaigns, events or books. registered online forum members that violate these policies listed above will have their posts, comments and threads immediately removed. Also, there will be a full termination of that account without any notice.

Please REPORT any member, thread, post or comment that violates our user agreement above by emailing:
[email protected] Advertising Policy is a free online forum. We don’t accept payments for posts – we don’t support sponsored content. This website makes money through private ads or through third party services. Please only click on ads if it is something that interests you.

If you wish to advertise your business on, please email:
[email protected] Content Policy

As an online forum website about Greek culture, encourages registered members to engage in relevant debates, conversations and share stories, articles, content, questions, thoughts, photos and information to help people reading the

All threads, posts, comments and photos become property of for use ONLY on the website. Forum threads and posts will be shared in social media in a natural manner as other members share forum threads on other public social media websites.

We are not responsible for any entity or person that shares the content in social media or other uses. We are not responsible for copyrighted content, such as photos, that users might share.

If someone posts a photo and you want the content or photo removed, you have to log into their user member account and delete it themselves.

Content You Submit on offers public forums or communication platforms that allow you to communicate with other users, post content, images, photos, videos, and other information.

The content you submit will be associated with your public user profile. Others who are using the site will be able to read everything that you have submitted.

We are not responsible for the information you choose to submit in these public areas. Please use caution when sharing information and content of any kind in this public setting. Privacy Policy

At, we respect the privacy of our web site visitors. We do use information you provide to better serve your business needs. We also recognize that this information belongs to you and that we must treat it accordingly. The following statement spells out our privacy policy in more detail. The policy applies to is owned and operated by Brick Marketing, LLC. If there are material changes to this policy in the future, information concerning any such change will be posted on this webpage. Use of Personal and Non-Personal Information

We collect two kinds of information about our online visitors, personal and non-personal information. Visitors are not required to register to access the public pages of the website. Non-personal information is collected to track the total number of guests visiting website and to guide our efforts to improve this website. The non-personal information we monitor includes the browser type and operating system being used by our visitors; areas of the sites visited; date and time of access; host or service-provider information, and identification of the referring site. This information is used exclusively for our internal purposes and is not disclosed to any third parties.

Personal information that can identify a visitor, such as name, address or policy information, is collected only when voluntarily offered and solely for purposes that are clearly identified on our sites. Access to pages with content specific to agents, or customers is password-protected and requires pre-registration. Personal information acquired through registration is kept confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties except as may be required by law. does not seek personal information from children.” uses a third party (Constant Contact) to send out opt-in email newsletters and stores email addresses for our opt-in email subscribers. Use Of “Cookies” may place an electronic “cookie” in the browser files of a guest’s computer. Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to an individual’s computer hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies themselves do not enable us to access any personal information about our visitors; however, they do allow to analyze guests’ use of our sites. This analysis helps us better understand which areas of our sites are most useful and popular so we can plan improvements and updates accordingly. does not use cookies to retrieve information from a visitor’s computer that was not originally sent in a cookie.

Internet Communication The privacy of communication over the Internet cannot be guaranteed, because the Internet is not a secure medium. does not assume any responsibility for any harm, loss, or damage you may experience or incur by the sending of personal or confidential information over the Internet by or to Privacy Policy Consent

By using this site, you signify your consent to online privacy policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use this site. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to update, change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy from time to time.  The reason stores and collects email addresses is to send information about Greek culture to people that have signed up to receive the opt-in email newsletter. collects visitor data only because this information is collected by Google Analytics, the software uses to understand its audience. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance is in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), we do not collect any information from anyone under
18 years of age. Our website is directed to people who are at least 18 years or older.

Questions about ANY of these Policies CONTACT:
[email protected]
C/O Brick Marketing, LLC
101 Federal Street, Suite 1900
Boston MA 02110
