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We know that great men do not just come from nowhere. Alexander the Great was molded into the ruler that conquered all of Persia by his father and many great philosophers, namely Aristotle. His father, King Phillip had already established a very successful empire that was already expanding. Once Alexander became old enough, the empire was handed to him and he was able to quickly build it into one of the greatest empires of all time.
Didn't the empire get turned over to him after his father passed?

Ancient Greek sanctuary of Delos Slowly Sinks into the Aegean Sea.

Battle of Salamis Question

On my next trip to Greece, I plan to visit Salamis. The history surrounding the Battle of Salamis has always fascinated me.

I know it was a pivotal naval battle during the Greco-Persian Wars, but I’m curious about the strategies the Greeks used to defeat the much larger Persian fleet.

What were the key factors that led to the Greek victory, and how significant was Themistocles’ role in the battle? I want to get ready for my visit!

Information About the Dorian Invasion

I recently came across a reference to the "Dorian Invasion" while reading about ancient Greek history, and I'm curious to learn more about this event. From what I understand, it seems to have been a significant period of upheaval, but the details are still a bit unclear to me.

Could anyone provide a detailed explanation or point me toward some reliable resources?

I'd appreciate any insights, book recommendations, or articles that could help me learn about it. Thanks in advance for your help!

Ancient Greek Food History?

I’ve recently developed a keen interest in the history of Ancient Greek food and am looking for resources to dive deeper into this fascinating topic. I’m particularly interested in understanding what the Ancient Greeks ate, how they prepared their food, and the cultural significance behind their culinary practices.

Does anyone have recommendations for books, articles, or documentaries that explore Ancient Greek cuisine? Are there any online courses or lectures that you’ve found particularly insightful? I’m also curious about any archaeological findings or historical records that shed light on their dietary habits.

Additionally, if there are any museums or historical sites (preferably ones that have online exhibits) that focus on Ancient Greek food culture, I’d love to hear about those too.

Exploring the Role of Women in Ancient Greece

I'm currently researching the role of women in Ancient Greece and would love to hear your thoughts and insights on this topic. From what I've gathered so far, women's roles varied significantly depending on the city-state they lived in. For example, women in Sparta had more freedom and responsibility compared to their counterparts in Athens.

Was the Spartan view the norm in Ancient Greece? Was the Athenian view the norm? They seem like two extremes to me. I don't know much else about the rest of Greece.
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