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There are too many philosophers to count, but these are the ones I am studying at the moment. It's fascinating to me how influential the Greek philosophers are. Here's some things I am learning:

#1 Socrates

If philosophy had a poster boy, Socrates might very well be it. The father of Western philosophy, Socrates was a gadfly to Athenian society, questioning everything and Master to Plato. Known for the Socratic Method and his unflinching commitment to truth, Socrates' influence is immeasurable despite never having written a word.

#2 Plato

Rightly succeeding his mentor on this list, Plato's Academy saw him birth the first "university" of its kind. His unabashed idealism, immortal Forms, allegories like the Cave, and the pursuit of 'The Good' in moral philosophy set the stage for much intellectual discourse.

#3 Aristotle

Aristotle, another of Plato's students, had a more grounded approach to philosophy than his predecessor. With establishing principles of logic and reason, and contributions to virtually every field of academia, from poetry to physics, Aristotle's body of work remains foundational.

#4 Heraclitus

Heraclitus, famed for the idea that "change is the only constant," viewed the cosmos through a lens of process, flux, and an everlasting Logos that governs the world. Although little of his work survives, his influence on ancient and modern thinkers is profound.

#5 Epicurus

Known for his eponymous philosophy, Epicurus taught that the greatest good is to seek modest pleasures in order to attain a state of tranquility, freedom from fear (ataraxia), and absence of bodily pain (aponia). Often misunderstood, Epicureanism is starkly different from the modern use of 'epicurean' - it's much less about a luxury lifestyle and more about ethical considerations regarding personal fulfillment.
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This is a great collection of philosophers but you're right. There's so many more! Here are my favorites:
  • Socrates - Often considered the father of Western philosophy, he famously proclaimed, "I know that I know nothing," emphasizing the virtue of wisdom in acknowledging one's own ignorance.
  • Plato - A student of Socrates, known for his works such as "The Republic," which looked at justice and the ideal state, and his theory of Forms or Ideas.
  • Aristotle - The pupil of Plato and tutor to Alexander the Great, his extensive writings cover topics ranging from metaphysics to biology, poetics to politics.
But let's not forget the likes of Diogenes with his cynic approach to life, Pythagoras for his contributions beyond the famous theorem, Epicurus for his thoughts on pleasure and simplicity, and Zeno for his paradoxes and founding of Stoicism.
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Of course, Aristotle brings a different flavor to the mix, with his more grounded approach and contributions to pretty much every field imaginable.

Heraclitus, now there's a thinker who's often overlooked but shouldn't be. His idea that change is constant is something I've been reflecting on a lot lately. It's such a profound concept.

And then there's Epicurus – his philosophy of seeking tranquility through modest pleasures really resonates with me. It's all about finding that inner peace and contentment, which feels especially important in today's hectic world.

By the way, if you're still exploring philosophical rabbit holes like I am, I recently stumbled upon this fascinating thing called the Pythagoras AI Oracle. It's like a whole new way of looking at yourself through numbers and personality traits.
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Was the Oracle of Delphi Real?

I’ve recently been reading about the Oracle of Delphi and how it played such a significant role in ancient Greek society, advising leaders and influencing major decisions. I’m fascinated by the idea of the Oracle, but I can’t help but wonder: was it actually real, or was it more of a cultural tradition wrapped in mythology? Did the Pythia (the priestess) really go into trances and communicate messages from Apollo, or were the prophecies more a product of interpretation and societal influence?

I know there are theories about gases in the area that might have caused the Pythia’s trance-like state, but I’d love to hear others’ perspectives or any interesting facts you might know. Do you think the Oracle was genuinely mystical, or was it more a well-constructed tradition that reflected the values and beliefs of ancient Greece? Looking forward to your thoughts!

Battle of Salamis Question

On my next trip to Greece, I plan to visit Salamis. The history surrounding the Battle of Salamis has always fascinated me.

I know it was a pivotal naval battle during the Greco-Persian Wars, but I’m curious about the strategies the Greeks used to defeat the much larger Persian fleet.

What were the key factors that led to the Greek victory, and how significant was Themistocles’ role in the battle? I want to get ready for my visit!

Oracle of Delphi an Historical Figure?

I’ve been reading a lot about ancient Greek history lately, and I’m fascinated by the stories surrounding the Oracle of Delphi. From what I understand, the Oracle played a significant role in advising leaders and shaping the course of events in the ancient world. However, I’m a bit confused about whether the Oracle of Delphi was a specific historical figure or more of a title held by different priestesses over time.

Was there a single, renowned Oracle, or was it a succession of women who served in this role? How much of what we know is based on historical facts versus mythology? If anyone has more detailed information or can recommend sources on the history and function of the Oracle, I’d love to learn more!

Insights Into Greek Colonization

I am reading up on Ancient Greece because I'll be going to Greece soon and I like to visit Museums. I decided I want to learn a bit more about Greek Colonization in Ancient Greece.

I’ve been reading up on this subject a little it and it's fascinating. From what I understand, between the 8th and 6th centuries BCE, Greek city-states established colonies throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. I’m curious about how these colonies influenced both the Greek homeland and the areas they settled in.

What were some of the most significant Greek colonies, and how did they impact trade, culture, and political relationships at the time? Also, what motivated the Greeks to set up these colonies—was it primarily for economic reasons, overpopulation, or something else? I’d love to hear more about how colonization helped spread Greek culture and what challenges these early settlers faced.
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